Saturday, April 7, 2012

…even Maggie has that baby with the one eyebrow


Everybody should have one. : )

I’m PVPing on my rogue and have been having superb fun. I have access to Arathi Basin and WSG at this stage and while ninjaing nodes is great I find the general chaos of WSG to be just right for me at the moment.
 But what of my nemesis? Well, not surprisingly she’s a hunter. In a recent WSG she did many things right: she hung with her posse, used terrain, CCd well and kited, and used burst effectively. Things she did wrong: she pissed me off!

Now you shouldn’t take from the general upbeat tone of this post that I was in any way successful in besting Ariel (and yes, the fact that she was named after a mermaid just made my various defeats more infuriating) in fact quite the opposite, the first five or six times we came together she handed my arse to me.

Which surprised me as I’d been doing pretty well.  ; )

The most embarrassing was when I could only walk veeery slooowly towards her as she shot me down. You better believe she very quickly became my nemesis and the great thing about having a nemesis is that they inspire you to better yourself. I changed my tactics: there was no point using Ambush for all its big crits – I needed to immobilise and get my backstabs in. I needed to husband my cool downs and pick my time. In short I needed to start playing at the next level up in my class cause that’s how she was playing. And yes, I did start to get some kills on her but I had to be concentrating and on my game or I got owned.

Following the BG I looked her up on the armory – stardard BOAs, chanted – but some nice PVP blues (belt, ring and boots which I’ve now go my hands on from the quartermasters actually ‘at’ arathi and WSG).

Seems I’m entering the phase of this character’s levelling where I’m getting new control abilities so I’d better start getting my new control abilities under… umm… control, if I wish to continue with my pwning ways.

Stay liquid folks,


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