That’s right folks it’s all gotta go. I’m keeping 1 tab of curios but everything else must have a purpose in this post-Cataclysm world.
What has brought this rash of rationalisation on I hear you ask? MMO-Champ reckons that at the recent drop of 4.0.1 we have 8 weeks before Cata comes out. Hmmm – that date is suspiciously close to one previously put forward by a relatively unknown gold blogger about a month ago.
Now I’m not suggesting you clear out all your active stock – I’m in agreement with Markco on that one; I’m making very good gold at the moment selling all the things I've always sold as the alt army continues it’s rampage through the AH. What I’m talking about is the junk that no longer has a home in your vault. Turn you vault into a model of ruthless efficiency – start Cata as you mean to go on: as a lean mean gold-making machine. ; )
Selling update: I spent 6K on very cheap Eternal Lifes recently and created a bunch of decks. I felt it was high risk and went into this venture knowing I could get burnt. I’ve been posting them for slightly under the moving price and guess what – everything’s been moving. I’ve easily made back my stake and am into profit now with a good amount of stock on hand. When I made this move I thought it was risky and bold. No way! It was timely and an opportunity almost missed. My advice is that if you’re putting together Nobles Decks in particular then convert them to cards. Many people new to the game do not remember the hype around Nobles and often don’t know what the decks convert to. When you’re converting go for str and agi decks. I’ve noticed the str variety moves much faster. I’m calling this the DK effect!
If you’re feeling truly mogulish then why not sell the decks twice! How? Sell the rep from the decks and then sell the cards. There are folks out there chasing DMF rep who will pay a couple of hundred gold per deck hand in (it’s cheaper than buying the deck). Of note is that the cards are BOE so you pass them the deck, they hand it in and they then hand you the card to sell. The careful amongst you may require a deposit before this happens but basically you sell the rep separately as a commodity all in itself.
One last thing which is exceptional news for the crafters amongst us – Blizz is making farming herbs and ores properly profitable. On the PTR when you hit a node as either a herber or a miner you get XP. This is a smart way of getting those mats onto the AH without relying upon botting gold farmers. Skinners kill a mob get XP and get a mat, tailors kill a mob get XP and get a mat – now the other guys get something too. It’s encouragement for every levelling toon to have a gathering profession and gives a much better provision of supply for crafters. Love it and hope it makes its way through to release.
That’s all for now folks.
Stay liquid,
Flu A
4 days ago
Nice post, I have to say that was pretty risky with the darkmoon cards, but sometimes big risks = big rewards like you have received :)
ReplyDeleteI just hope they add experiance gains from Enginnering gas clouds [if they are in cata]
xoxo anaalius
Also, when you hit 85 that gathering nodes might give gold instead of xp, the way quests do when your max level. Depends on how blizzard implement it i guess.